Mallorca-Zero is a classifieds portal exclusively for Mallorca.
Ads that are not related to Mallorca are not permitted. This includes web shops, job offers and also real estate from other countries or regions.
Responsibility for content and their texts and pictures or other contributions lies solely with the authors. Mallorca-Zero assumes no liability whatsoever for the advertisements or contributions published by third parties, in particular in the case of abusive use.
By switching the display, the advertiser confirms to have the right to use text and images.
The use of Mallorca-Zero is free of charge. However, we reserve the right to charge fees for certain services and functionalities, as well as the publication of advertisements in certain categories. We will, however, notify you of the use of a service for which you are entitled, so that you expressly agree to the payment of the service.
Advertisements that violate either the law or the terms of use of Mallorca-Zero are removed from our portal.
The general rule:
Not allowed:
This list is not exhaustive. As a user you are responsible for your actions on our website. Please pay attention to the applicable legal provisions regarding your offers.
In the case of any suspicion of unsoundness as well as violation of the conditions of use or the rights of third parties, we reserve the right to remove content and advertisements. Furthermore, we reserve the right to take technical and legal steps to remove Mallorca-Zero users in doubt and to exclude them from further use. There is no legal claim to the use of Mallorca-Zero.
Mallorca-Zero reserves the right to change these conditions of use at any time without giving reasons. The changed conditions are notified to the user before setting a new ad.
Mallorca-Zero is not prepared or obliged to take part in dispute settlement proceedings before a consumer protection agency (§ 36 para. 1 no. 1 VSBG).